Manage your Roblox mods with ease
Kliko's Modloader is an open-source modloader for Roblox,
allowing users to manage multiple mods with ease.

Key Features
Advanced Mod Manager
- Manage multiple mods at once
- Enable/disable mods and change load order
- Import from .zip files
Mod Generator
- Creating mods has never been easier!
- Generate mods with a single color or a two-color gradient
Automatic Mod Updates
- Keeps your mods compatible with the latest version of Roblox
Discord RPC
- Shows your current game on Discord
- Allow friends to join your server
- Custom RPC using BloxstrapRPC SDK
Multi-Instance Support
- Ability to launch multiple Roblox instances at once
FastFlags Editor
- Modify Roblox's client settings
Free & Open Source
- 100% free, forever
- No paywalls, no hidden secrets
Installation Guide
Install the latest release
Go to the latest release and download the installer.
Configure your mods
Configure your mods, fastflags and more in the modloader menu.
Enjoy :D
Have fun playing modded Roblox!
Support server
Join our Discord server
This is the official support server for Kliko's modloader. Join our community to give feedback, ask for help, share your mods and chat with other modders.
Are you having issues? Have you found a bug? Do you need help with something else? We are happy to help! Join our server and ask for help in one of the channels.
We are always open to feedback. Whether you have a suggestion, found a bug or just want to share your thoughts, please join our server and let us know.
Find more mods — or share your own — in your #mod-sharing channel.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I download Kliko's modloader?
The only official places to download this program are the GitHub repository and this website. Any other place pretending to be official is false and may be packed with malware.
How do I uninstall Kliko's modloader?
You can uninstall this program either through the Windows control panel or by running the uninstall script located in `Kliko's modloader\Uninstaller`
How can I add mods?
While some mods can be downloaded directly through the modloader menu, you can always add your own mods manually. Most mods can be found on sites like GameBanana. For more detailed information on how to add custom mods and how they should be formatted, please take a look at the modding section or our wiki.
Is Kliko's modloader safe?
Yes, it's safe. This project is — and always will be — open-source, meaning that anyone can inspect the source code and verify that it is safe. If you don't trust it, you can read the source code and even build the executable yourself.
Can using this get me banned?
No, Kliko's modloader only makes modifications that are allowed by the Roblox client, such as replacing local files (mods) and changing FastFlags (Roblox's official client settings). Roblox staff has also confirmed that bootstrappers are generally considered safe, as long as they don't try to access the client process. (see this DevForum post)
Does Kliko's modloader work on Mac/Linux?
No. Kliko's modloader is only available for Windows, and there are no plans to support other platforms. Mac users can use AppleBlox instead, it is a lightweight, secure and blazing-fast Roblox launcher designed specifically for MacOS. Currently, there are no known programs that allow modding on Roblox for Linux.
How do I install hacks?
You don't. This is a modloader, not cheating software.